Strength of material by RK Bansal PDF Free download
About Book
- Strength of materials is a basic engineering subject that, along with statics, must be understood by anyone concerned with the strength and physical performance of structures, whether those structures are man-made or natural.
- At the college level, mechanics of materials is usually taught during the sophomore and junior years. The subject is required for most students majoring in mechanical, structural, civil, biomedical, petroleum, aeronautical, and aerospace engineering.
- Strength of Materials by R K bansal Laxmi Pub. most popular book and this book is both student as well as teacher friendly. the content of this book is lucid and easy to understand. it contain lots of Numerical Problems both solved and unsolved.
- so reader can take the maximium advantage and can build strong command in Engineering mechanics as well as Strength of Materials.
- The author of this book is very popular in almost all field of engineering and he wrote many books in mechanical field
- A large number of numerical problems from different B.E. degree examinations have been added with solution at proper places.
- At the end of each chapter, highlights, theoretical questions and many unsolved numerical problems with answers have been given for the students to practice them.
- Three advanced topics–stresses due to rotation in thin and thick cylinders, bending of curved bars and theories of failures of the materials have also been added.
- These chapters have been written in such a simple and easy-to-follow language that even an average student can understand them easily by self-study.
- A large number of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions, asked in the most of the competitive examinations, have been incorporated in this edition with answers and explanations to make this edition more useful for competitive examinations.
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