Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Civil Engineering Water Resources MCQs

Civil Engineering :: Water Resources Engineering MCQs



1. Water contains hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom
B.two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms
D.three hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms
E. two hydrogen atoms and three oxygen atoms.

2. Unit Hydrograph theory was enunciated by
A.Merril Bernard
B.W.W. Horner
C.Le-Roy K. Shermen
D.Robert E. Horten.

3. The theory of infiltration capacity was given by
A.Merrill Bernard
B.W.W. Horner
C.Le-Roy K. Shermen
D.Robert E. Horten.

4. Hydrology helps in
A.predicting maximum flows
B.deciding the minimum reservoir capacity
C.forecasting the availability of quantity of water at reservoir site
D.predicting the effects on the river water level on completion of dams
E.all the above.

5. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A.Rivers, lakes, oceans and springs get water from the rains
B.Rain water is obtained by evaporation from rivers, lakes and oceans
C.Water remains in atmosphere as vapours
D.Hydrologic cycle is a continuous process of evaporation and precipitation of water in
E.all the above.

6. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A.Rain which is intercepted by buildings, vegetations and other objects, is generally known as
rainfall interception
B.The difference between the total rainfall and intercepted rainfall, is generally called ground
C. When rainfall exceeds the interception rainfall, water reaches the ground and infiltration
D.The maximum rate of absorbing water by the soil in any given condition, is known as
infiltration capacity
E.All the above.
7. The surface Run-off is the quantity of water
A.absorbed by soil
B.intercepted by buildings and vegetative cover
C.required to fill surface depressions
D.that reaches the stream channels
E. that gets evaporated.

8. Pick up the correct equation from the following :
A.Run off = Surface run off + Ground water flow
B.Run off = Surface run off - Ground water flow
C.Run off = Surface run off / Ground water flow
D.Run off = Surface run off x Ground water flow.

9. Infiltration capacity of soil depends upon
A.number of voids present in the soil
B.shape and size of soil particles
C.arrangement of soil particles
D.compaction of the soil particles
E.all the above.

10. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
When rainfall rate exceeds the infiltration capacity, the water enters the soil at full capacity
When rainfall rate is less than the infiltration capacity, the infiltration rate is approximately
equal to the rainfall rate
C.The actual infiltration rate at any time may be equal to or less than the infiltration capacity
The actual prevailing rate of infiltration of water in the soil at any time, is known as
infiltration rate
E.All the above.

11. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A.The portion of pellicular water which remains unutilised, is called hygroscopic water
The moisture content at which permanent wilting of plants takes place, is called the
wilting point
The path of the water required to bring the soil moisture content of a soil up to its field
capacity is called soil moisture deficiency
D.The moisture deficiency will be different at different points
E.All the above.

12. The main factor which affects the infiltration capacity, is
A.thickness of saturated layer
B.depth of surface detention
C.soil moisture
D.all the above.
13. According to Robert E. Horton, the equation of infiltration capacity curve, is (where
letters carry their usual meanings)
A.f = fc (fo - fc) ekt
B.f = ft - (fo - fc) e-kt
C.f = ft + (fo - fc) e-kt
D.f = f + (fo - fc) ekt

14. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A. Absolute humidity at a given temperature is equal to weight of moisture present in a
unit volume
B.Relative humidity is the ratio of actual vapour pressure and saturation vapour pressure
at the same temperature
C. Relative humidity is the ratio of the weight of the vapours present per unit volume to
the weight of vapours which could be contained at the same temperature when fully
D.Humidity can be measured by psychrometer
E.All the above.

15. Absolute humidity in air
A.decreases at higher altitudes
B.increases at higher altitudes
C.remains constant at all altitudes
D.none of these.

16. Precipitation caused by lifting of an air mass due to the pressure difference, is called
A.cyclonic precipitation
B.convective precipitation
C.orographic precipitation
D.none of these.

17. The standard height of a standard rain gauge, is
A.10 cm
B.20 cm
C.30 cm
D.50 cm.

18. In India, rain fall is generally recorded at
A.8 A.M.
B.12 Noon
C.4 P.M.
D.8 P.M.

19. A recording type rain gauge
A.produces a mass curve of rain fall
B.records the cumulative rain sometimes called integrating rain gauge or continuous rain gauge
D.all the above.

20. In India the recording type rain gauge generally used, is
A.weighing type
B.tipping type
C.float recording type
D.none of these.

21. The deficiency in rain catch due to vertical acceleration of air forced upward over the gauge,
A.greater for heavy rain
B.greater for lighter rain
C.greater for large drops
D.lesser for small rain drops.

22. If a gauge is installed perpendicular to the slope, its measurement is reduced by multiplying
A.sine of the angle of inclination with vertical
B.cosine of the angle of inclination with vertical
C.tangent of the angle of inclination with vertical
D.calibration coefficient of the gauge.

23. For determination of average annual precipitation in a catchment basin, the best method is
A.Arithmetical method
B.Thiessen's mean method
C.Isohyetal method
D.None of these.

24. While calculating the average depth of annual precipitation in a catchment basin, importance
to individual raingauge station is given in
A.Arithmetical method
B.Thiessen's mean method
C.Isohyetal method
D.both (a) and (b)
E.both (b) and (c).

25. The critical depth in a channel can be produced
A. by raising the bottom of the channel
B. by lowering the bottom of the channel
C. by decreasing the width of the channel
D. by increasing the width of the channel
E. both (a) and (c) of above.

26. A hydraulic jump in a control meter will be formed above the control, if its original
A.depth is more than critical depth
B.depth is less than the critical depth
C.depth is equal to critical depth
D.none of these.

27. Prof. Running suggested the method for extending the discharge curve. It is known as
A.Logarithmic method
B.y method
C.General method
D.None of these.
28. If y is the depth of water at any section, then the mean velocity is
A.0.1 y
B.0.2 y
C.0.3 y
D.0.5 y
E.0.6 y.

29. The run off is affected by
A.type of precipitation
B.rain intensity and duration of rainfall
C.rain distribution and soil moisture deficiency
D.direction of prevailing storm
E.all the above.

30. The initial basin recharge is equal to
B.depression storage
C.rain absorbed by the moisture deficiency
D.all the above.

31. The run off a drainage basin is
A.Initial recharge + ground water accretion + precipitation
B.Precipitation + ground water accretion + initial recharge
C.Precipitation - ground water accretion + initial recharge
D.Precipitation - ground water accretion - initial recharge.

32. For computing the run off volumes of large areas, number of infiltrations used are
A.2 B.3
C.4 D.5
33. From the Survey of India map, the distance of the critical point is 20 km and difference in
elevation is 193 m. The over land flow time, is
A.2 hours
B.3 hours
C.2 hours and 30 minutes
D.3 hours and 30 minutes
E.4 hours.

34. If the area of storm hydrograph is equal to 102 cm, the ordinates of a unit hydrograph may be
obtained by dividing the ordinates of the storm hydrograph by
A.0.5 B.1
C.2 D.3

36. If the potential infiltration of a water shed having a soil with fair pasture cover, is 10 cm and
rainfall is 12 cm, the direct run off is :
A.2 cm
B.3 cm
C.5 cm
D.8 cm.
36. If the potential infiltration of a water shed having a soil with fair pasture cover, is 10 cm and
rainfall is 12 cm, the direct run off is :
A.2 cm
B.3 cm
C.5 cm
D.8 cm.
38. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :
The rate of flow of water through a unit cross-sectional area under a unit hydraulic
gradient, is called coefficient of permeability
The rate of flow of water through a vertical strip of the acquifer of unit width and full
depth under a unit hydraulic gradient, is called coefficient of transmissibility
C.The flow of water through acquifers, is governed by the Darcy's law
D.The term 'transmissibility' was introduced by Meinzer
E. The ratio of coefficient of transmissibility and coefficient of permeability, is equal to the
depth of acquifer through which water flows.

39.With the usual meanings ofletters, the equation is used for determining the
velocity of ground water flow in metres per day. It is known as
A.Meinzer's formula
B.Slichter's formula
C.Darcy's formula
D.Hazen's formula.

40. If the viscosity of ground water is 1.00, the Slitcher's constant is 400, the effective size of soil
particles in acquifer is 0.5 mm and hydraulic gradient is 1 in 80, the velocity of flow is
A.0.25 m/day
B.0.50 m/day
C.0.75 m/day
D.1.00 m/day
E.1.25 m/day.

41. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A.Perched aquifer is found in unconfined aquifer
B.The top surface of the water held in the perched aquifer, is known as perched water table
C.Perched aquifer is formed in unfined accquifer if an impervious layer exists
D.All the above.

42. In the derivation of Thiem's formula , the following assumption is not
A.The aquifer is homogeneous and isotropic
B.Flow lines are radial and horizontal
C.The slope of the water surface is too small
D.The well has been sunk up to the surface of the unconfined aquifer
E.None of these.

43. A well penetrates to 30 m below the static water table. After 24 hours of pumping at 31.40
litres/minute, the water level in a test well at a distance of 80 m is lowered by 0.5 m and in a
well 20 m away water is lowered by 1.0 m. The transmissibility of the auifer, is
A.1.185 m2/minute
B.1.285 m2/minute
C.1.385 m2/minute
D.1.485 m2/minute
E. 1.585 m2/minute.

44. Shrouding is provided in
A.cavity type tube wells
B.slotted type tube wells
C.strainer type tube wells
D.perforated type tube wells.

45. The efficiency of a pump may be taken as
A.0.55 B.0.60
C.0.65 D.0.70

46. Consumptive use of a crop during growth, is the amount of
D.all the above.

47. For calculating the evaporation rate over a reservoir surface E = 0.771 (1.465 - 0.00732 B)
(0.44 - 0.007375 V) (pe - pa), the equation is given by
A.Roohwer's, formula in M.K.S.
B.Roohwer's formula in F.P.S.
C.Dalton's formula in F.P.S.
D.Dalton's formula in M.K.S.

48. For the estimate of high floods in fan-shaped catchment, the formula used is
A.Dicken's formula
B.Ryve's formula
C.Inglis formula
D.none of these.

49. Burge formula cumecs is based upon
A.rainfall and drainage area off and drainage area
C.drainage area and its shape
D.drainage area.

1. In nature water may occur as
D.all the above.

2. Hydrology is the science which deals with
A.rain water
B.river water
C.sea water
D.surface and underground water
E. flood water.

3. The surface run off is due to
A.initial rain
B.residual rain
C.rain in the net supply interval
D.all the above.

4. Hydrograph is a graphical representation of
A.surface run off
B.ground water flow
C.rain fall
D.discharge flowing in the river
E.none of these.

5. The infiltration capacity during rain storm, is considerably reduced due to
A.surface detention
B.soil moisture
C.compaction due to rain
D.washing of fine particles
E.all the above.

6. Rain simulators are used for the determination of
B.precipitation off
D.infiltration capacity
E.none of these.

 7. Precipitation includes
D.all of these.

8. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A.Central portion of a cyclone acts as a chimney through which air gets lifted
B.Cyclonic precipitation caused by a warm front is generally continuous
C. Convective precipitation generally occurs in the form of showers of high intensity in short
D.Greatest amount of orographic precipitation falls in the windward side of the barrier
E.All the above.

9. Non-recording rain gauges
A.collect the rain whose volume is measured by means of graduated cylinders
B.collect the rain which is directly measured by means of graduated cylinders in
centimetres of water depth
C.are generally used in hilly terrain
D.are cylindrical in shape.
10. Indian Meteorological department uses the standard gauges whose collectors have apertures
A.50 or 100 sq. cm area
B.100 or 150 sq. cm area
C.100 or 200 sq. cm area
D.250 or 500 sq. cm area.

11. The polythene bottles are used for collecting rain water and. their capacities is
A.2 litres
B.4 litres
C.10 litres
D.all the above.

12. Symon's rain gauge is
A.tipping-bucket gauge
B.weighing type gauge
C.float recording gauge
D.non-recording gauge.

13. The rainfall cycle period in India is taken as
A.15 years
B.20 years
C.25 years
D.30 years
E.35 years.

14. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
B. Normal annual rainfall is obtained by taking the mean of the annual rainfall over a period
of 35 years
C.Index of wetness gives an idea of the wetness of the year
D. If the rainfall in a year is approximately equal to the annual average value, the particular
year is said to be an average year
E.All the above.

15. Isohytes are the imaginary lines joining the points of equal
A.pressure B.height
C.humidity D.rainfall.

16. The rainfall at any place is described by
A.its intensity
B.its duration
C.its frequency
D.all the above.

17. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A.The intensity of rain is the rate at which it falls
B.The duration of rain is the time for which it falls with a given intensity
C.The frequency of rain is the number of times, if falls
D.All the above.

18. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :
A.At two meteorologically homogeneous stations, the average annual precipitation is same
B. If the average annual precipitation at two places is same these are meteorologically
homogeneous stations
C.Neither (a) nor (b)
D.Both (a) and (b).

19. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A.The throat of the section of a control meter is either rectangular or trapezoidal
B.The floor of the control meter throat is almost level
C.The floor of the expanding outlet of the control meter is given a steep slope
D.A properly designed control meter is associated with the phenomena of hydraulic jump
E.All the above.

20. Discharge curve may be extended by logarithmic method if
A.cross section of river is uniform
B.river is broader and shallower
C.river is of any type
D.none of these.

21. The best instrument for measuring the velocity of a stream flow is
A.pitot tube
B.Price's current meter
C.surface float
D.sub-surface float.

22. The average mean velocity of a stream having depth h, may be obtained by taking the
average of the readings of a current meter at a depth of
A.0.1 h and 0.9 h
B.0.2 h and 0.8 h
C.0.3 h and 0.7 h
D.0.4 h and 0.6 h.

23. If the velocities of flow of a stream of 10 m depth recorded by a current meter at depths of 2
m and 8 m are 0.7 m and 0.3 m respectively, the discharge per unit width of the stream in
cubic metres, is
A.2 B.3
C.4 D.5

25. The time required by rain water to reach the outlet of drainage basin, is generally called
A.time of concentration
B.time of overland flow
C.concentration time of overland flow
D.duration of the rainfall
E.none of these.

26. Time of overland flow, is affected by
A.slope of the basin
B.type of the ground surface
C.length of the flow path
D.all the above.

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